Guess who just turned 3?

In honor of Oliver's 3rd birthday we enjoyed a visit from Ryan's parents (Oliver's Granddad & Groovy) and threw a big party for all of our friends. (If there's one thing that we love to celebrate in this house it's life!)
Ry's Mom, Oliver and I set out the day before the party to assemble a cake much like the one pictured here.
She was a trooper, but boy it sure would have helped to know that MckMama posted a very helpful recipe here. We totally winged this one, and I imagine my sweet and helpful mother-in-law would have been less nervous about the whole matter had I given her a recipe to go from. Next time. :)

(How about that handsome, kid-sized Williams-Sonoma apron
I picked up at a yard sale last summer?)
So, about an hour before the party began, we finally completed our masterpiece. Our only main difference from the original is that, in a house full of art majors, we just could not let ourselves leave out sweet little Indigo from the rainbow.
Our TRUE Rainbow Cake:

(admittedly not as perfect as the original, but we're learning!)
A few photos from the party:

And, in a lame-o effort to catch up on the past few weeks of garage sales,
here are a few of my recent finds:
$2.00 - 5 great fall candles - I have a few burning even as I type!
$0.25 - Brand new bottle of Nexus Humectress conditioner (they had a bunch of these, so my Mom, sister and I all grabbed one).
$0.50 - Headphone shirt for Oliver - he's actually wearing this right now too :)
$0.40 - 3 eyeshadow pallets and 1 Pier One Bath tea - seriously, so many people had big boxes of brand new things to buy. There were probably 20 bath teas and a ton of eyeshadows.
You probably can't tell from the picture, but on the right beneath the bath tea is actually a $15 gift certificate to the Macy's Salon. The house that was selling the new candles and eyeshadow was actually handing these out as well! How is that even possible?? I'm planning to head to the mall for a pedicure soon!
(In case you're keeping track, so far I'm up $11.85!)
$5.00 - awesome natural wood basket, pears, 4 fall votive holders with votive candles and one large candle bowl with 3x5" pillar candle. Oh, and a bunch of glass bead garland that is happily displayed on my fireplace right now.

Free - old, red, cast iron skillet - I think it's maybe for making cornbread? It is perfect hanging above my kitchen sink!
(notice the curtains I recently made to dress my window? A bit of hemming, a few staples on a board, some wall brackets and a couple of contrasting ties and VOILA!)
$3.00 - blue square vase/planter thing - not sure if it's maybe uncool to display this with nothing in it, but I adore the color and it makes me so happy! (There is still a price sticker on the bottom for $82 from a home decor boutique in LA). Not bad!
Final tally: I got all that great stuff and I managed to be UP $3.85! Not too shabby!
Okay, that's all I've got in me for now. I'll try to not let so much doggone time go by before posting again. :)
I want to come live where you live just so I can find this cool stuff. You are too lucky! :)
yay! glad you're back! I love your garage sale posts and have been wondering what you've found :)
yay for posting! Your garage sale posts have inspired me to do my own scouting this past summer. However in Canada, that pretty much has come to an end until next year... Happy Birthday Oliver!
Glad to hear from you. Yard sales have been few and far between in our part of the country lately so haven't blogged about any either. Happy late birthday to Oliver.
that cake is so awesome!!! I can't wait to try it out for my next event! Happy Birthday to Oliver! I follow you on twitter too, I hope he's feeling a ton better! :)
that cake is goregous!! i am defiently going to have to try that!! great finds! thanks for sharing!
Do you mean there was actually a recipe we could have used???? Oh, my!!!! We struggled through it anyway!!
Where have you been? Glad you posted again, you have been missed!
Wow! I am impressed with (and a bit envious of) your garage sale finds! Here in the Frozen Tundra, garage sales are a goner until spring, but I'm all excited for next season!
I'm so sorry we couldn't make it, it sounds like it was so much fun! Tell Olivger Happy Birthday from me!
OK so I have been a lurker for awhile now! I'm coming out today! I'm Krystal from Texas! Found your blog probably from MckMama's! I love you style! And these finds! You have inspired me to start garage selling! Now, if I can only take the time to do it! I love the colors in your house and the decor! Can you come do mine ;)! OK, so just wanted to say nice job! And introduce myself! Oh and say Happy Birthday OliveR! Have a great day!
Krystal in TX
Hello, Miss Raechel.
The rainbow cake turned out great--love it! Hope sweet Oliver had a wonderful birthday.
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and Miss Evie today...remembering those precious lives lost and praying for those that are missing them so dearly.
Love and Blessings,
you find the best stuff ever!! I wish I had that much luck with garage sales. Maybe next year I can hit up more. Love the cake :)
Happy Happy Birthday Oliver! Love your looks so delicious. What a great baker you are.
Those are some great finds...I think I'm going to have to start going to garage sales. I see so many ladies posting all their loot and my mom's friends always find cool stuff to send my daughter at garage sales.
Thinking of you and your precious Evie Grace tonight.
Great job on the rainbow cake! And without the reciepe?!?!? Kudos to you three!
You had asked when sales ended in different parts of the country: this seems to be the first weekend (that I can tell) without garage sales in Chicagoland. I kept entering the weekend, expecting them to end, then BAM! I'd find another one down the street. To sate my bloodlust during the winter, I'm becoming a frequenter of our local thrift stores. Much more expensive, but a necessary substitute. It's cold here, Rae. You wouldn't miss it a bit. Please don't come in January this year, by the way.
Love you and love that boy! The cake looks awesome. B. did a great job. :)
Love the cake! I think it turned out beautifully!
And the finds were amazing! I especially like the spa gift certificate.
What a great cake! I have never seen that.
I love the blue square planter thing too:)
I love the birthday cake! I had seen it on MckMama's site and I hope to make it one day too. Great job!!
Also, I think your cast iron pan is actually an abelskiver pan. Abelskiver are little round Danish "pancakes". You can see one here:
And there's a great YouTube video of how to make them: I was in Solvang, CA in May, a little Danish town, and enjoyed this treat!
I love your rainbow cake! i made one a couple of weekends ago!! it was so fun!
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