Both figuratively and literally!

Yep, that's me! That photo was taken at Oliver's birthday party a couple of weeks ago. (I'll post more recent pictures soon, but I'm still in my jammies today so y'all will be glad I'm waiting) :)
The Lord has blessed us with a child! And a textbook, healthy pregnancy!
I'm a better secret keeper than you thought, eh?
Was that too sudden? Should I have eased you into that one a little more? Sorry, I'm finding myself in a weak moment and just cannot bear to wait to tell y'all any longer - so yes, it's a little sudden. :) Feel free to take a moment and collect yourself.
I'm past the halfway point now and I'm just bursting at the seams to share this glorious news with all of you lovely readers who have walked with us through the valleys. Now I get to invite you to come leap with us on the mountaintops!
I think this good news calls for a giveaway! Let's see... whoever can accurately guess the gender of this sweet child and come closest to guessing my due date will win a copy of the book Shepherding a Child's Heart that I talked about in my last post. (and those of you who already know what we're having and when I'm due are going to have to sit out on this one - sorry!)
Guess away!
(As you guess you can picture me doing a happy dance - feel free to join me in spirit!)
So happy for you!!!
So, you live in TN? I saw you RT @gileskirk. My hubby used to be in George Grant's college. Small world!
I'm going to guess you are having a boy and are due 2/2/10! So happy and excited for you!!! :)
I'm so glad you told. :)
Congratulations! I'm guessing a girl, March 2.
Oh Raechel! I knew it as soon as you twittered, but that hasn't stopped the flow of tears as I sit here staring in thankfulness at that beautiful picture. I'm so excited for you and Ryan {Oliver too!}. Praying for you guys on this journey and looking forward to hearing all about it! :)
Congrats! So excited for your family! :)
I've never commented before, but LOVE your blog. It's wonderful, uplifting and reminds me often to be a better steward of so many gifts we are blessed with.
I'm so happy for your family. What a wonderful blessing!
I'll guess at January 29, 2010 and it's a girl.
Feb. 28, 2010.
Congratulations! So that explains why you were putting off the last question and answer post. ;-)
My guess...
A Boy on Feb 21.
So very, very happy for you....
Guessing: Boy, Due date - February 27th.
This tweet left me curious as to whether you might be or not ;)
"Today is a very big day for our family. I wish I could share details, but for now I can ask for your prayers.8:09 AM Oct 9th from TweetDeck "
I am SO happy for you!!!
My guess is a Girl on 2/14.
:) You all know how overjoyed I am.
My guess is BOY on 2/22, 'cause I am having a boy on 2/2 :) Congrats!
Congrats! My guess is a GIRL, and I say Feb 26!
You must be ecstatic! I am beyond happy for your family.
Praise God. He is so good!
I say a boy on 2-14-09
Congratulations - WOW over 20 weeks is a LONG time to keep such a wonderful secret!!
Congratulations and God bless you, your family, and that sweet miracle you are growing!!
I am guessing you are having a girl and due March 1st. Congrats! This is wonderful news!
YAY! I think I have commented before but if not I have been reading you blog for a while and love it!
My guess is girl Feb. 10th!
Well, I guess that answered my question then, huh!? lol. I'm sooo stinking excited for you! God is so good. I'm guessing boy (just b/c that's what I'm having!)... and due 3-1-10... just b/c that's when I'm due and that'd be cool. lol.
I'll for sure have this baby by week 38 though due to the previous complications (hellp and pre-eclampsia)... hopefully I can stay healthy til then. it's so scary for me, being pregnant again. I'm very grateful though.
and i thought you didn't answer my question b/c i was being too nosy... haha!
Praise God!!
My guess is a Girl and a due date of Feb 24th!!
Congrats again!
Im gonna say a Valentines day girl.
Congratulations to you all.
Yay! I'm so excited for you! That's awesome. Good job keeping such a great secret! Better than me! :)
My guess is a GIRL of Feb 23. :)
def a girl :) And due date, well...Let's say March 8th!
Congrats from a first time commenter, long time follower!!
Congrats!! I guess that you are going to be giving Oliver a little brother and he is due to make his appearance February 13!
I have to admit, I squealed. YES!!
1st. Awesome news! I am so happy for your sweet family!
And 2nd - cute shirt!
What happy news!!!
I'm guessing girl- February 18th?
March 5, 2010 and Girl!
Oh, how wonderful!
I am going to guess a girl on 2/18, because that was my due date!
Very excited for you!
A girl on feb 11-my daughter's birthday :)
I don't need a copy of the book (my in-laws gave us a copy before Sam was born), but I wanted to guess anyway:
Girl, due March 1, 2009.
Congratulations to all of you!
I am guessing a boy on 2/14/10
Im guessing a boy on Feb 28!
Congratulations!! Such awesome news!
aww congratulations! what a blessing!
March 7, a girl!
:) :) :) :) So So happy for you! Congrats to you all. I will guess February 18 and a girl! The picture is just beautiful by the way and kudos for keeping it a secret so long, I would have never made it.
I think your tiny bitty girl is due on March 2nd.
Did you know that Anige at Bring the Rain announced her expecting arrival today also? Did you girls plan that?
What a wonderful surprise and even better blessing
So I definately did a happy dance for you and will pray for a healthy pregnancy (what remains of it) and a healthy baby!
I'm guessing Oliver is going to have a little brother that's due on.... February 9th!
Good job on keeping the secret...
So happy for y'all!
I'm guessing due 3/2/10, with a little bitty GIRL!
I'm going to say March 2nd, 2010 and I am going with a sweet little girl.
Hi Raechel
I have been reading your blog for a while but never commented. Just wanted to say Congratulations on your happy news!
I'm guessing a boy, 28 Feb 2010.
Congrats! I think I girl on 3/1/10
I am guessing March 9th. And based on the way you are carrying I am guessing it is a boy! I am so happy for you all! Praise the Lord for this new miracle!
Blessings to you!!
Ok, I'll just go with the same as me...boy on March 14th.
WOW..... So MANY mommies are due pregnant. Crazy.. Congrats mommy, what a blessing.
And bursting at the ... what??? Please!!
Congratulations! I am guessing a girl and March 3rd 2010. What a good secret keeper you are! The blogs are abuzz with all kinds of pregnancy news today. Gives me the "fever".
God is so good.
My guess is a little brother for Oliver due Feb. 27th.
Yay!! Congratulations! Since my niece is due February 22, I'm gonna hope for 2 beautiful GIRLS born that day.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! That is wonderful! I am so excited for you all. are a GOOD secret keeper.
I'm going to guess....a girl on March 25th. Yea!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!!! I'm so happy for you. I know we've never met but I feel like we are friends... I guess its a little girl and that you are due Feb 15th.
Congrats!! I will be praying for you through the rest of this pregnancy.
My guess is March 21, 2010 and that it is going to be another little girl.
I am so happy for you and your family!!!!
no guesses but holy smokes you AND angie both announce being preggo on the same day! it's like baby heaven! haha so excited for you guys!
CONGRATULATIONS!! That is such GREAT news!!! I bet it's a little girl and she's due on March 9th!
My guess is a girl and she's due Feb. 26th.
First of all.......CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Second you look Great!! Beautiful baby belly.
I'm going to guess it's a girl and Feb. 9th, since it's my son's birthday.
CONGRATULATIONS!! I have been following your blog for awhile now and somehow I just "knew" you were pregnant! I NEVER guessed you were that far along though...good secret keeping! I think a few weeks ago you eluded to it either in your blog or via twitter! I am also preggo w/ our 3rd baby. I am not quite 1/2 way and I am due at the end of March. So, I am guessing that you are due Feb. 16th w/ another boy (we are having our 2nd boy!)
So happy for you and praising God that this is a "textbook" pregnancy!
Thank you for sharing your good news w/ us all--can't believe you kept it secret for so long!
How EXCITING!!! Congratulations!!!!
I'm going to guess it's a girl, and due March 3. :)
~ Jennifer
oh my goodness!! Congrats!! I'm so impressed you kept it a secret this long. No wonder you have been MIA around here. :)
We just found out a few weeks ago we are expecting again also and I can hardly hold it in!! :) Congrats!!
SO SO happy for you. Like others a few recent tweets and lack of blogging have had me curious. What a wonderful blessing and gift from the Lord.
I'm guess girl on 2/15/10 :)
My guess is boy and January 29th. I am even going to guess a name just for fun. I say it is a boy named Ben due on January 29th a day that I hold dear to me because our sweet Alex will be two that day.
Whoot Whoot!!
I already know!!
Hee Hee
I am guessing a boy due February 26.
Congrats! Angie Smith announced her pregnancy today as well! :) I'm guessing February 13 and it's another boy! happy for you and your family.. I say girl, due VALENTINES DAY :)
Oh goodness, you AND Angie all at once! I could cry I'm so excited for both of you!
You have the most adorable belly I have EVER seen!!
I'm going to say another girl, and February 27th.
Wonderful. I have never commented before, but love your blog. I am guessing a boy, 2/14
CONGRATS! HOW EXCITING! That BELLY IS SO PRECIOUS! I am going to guess a girl on March 3rd.
I dunno if I've commented on here before, but I love your blog. Your baby bump is so cute!! From the little bit you shared, it sounds like you're close to where I'm at, so I'll just use my due date which is February 23, and I'm guessing a girl! Congratulations on your wonderful blessing!!
Congratulations! I think it is girl, due 2/16/2010.
Congratulations! I figured as much too!
Feb 7th and a sweet boy!
Congratulations! I'm guessing that you will be having another precious son and he is due to arrive January 28th!!
It's my first time commenting here as well, but I had to say Congratulations and how happy I am for you!
I am 12 weeks pregnant with my first and really looking forward to that adorable baby bump. Since I'm new at this, my guess may be way off, but I'll say 3/18 and girl.
Hope everything continues to go wonderfully. Blessings to your family.
I'm going to guess March 2nd as your due date and that you're having a baby girl!
So happy for you!!!
I guess BOY and March 5th as your due date (because that's my birthday! LOL) CONGRATS!!!! :) Ummm we are leaving the country on Friday, so will you email me if I win? No really, we are! LOL We're going to adopt our daughter! FINALLY!
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby belly!
First of all...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is soooo exciting! You and Angie both announcing that your pregnant....very exciting!
And, I'm going to say you're having a girl, due on January 21, 2010!!
So Happy for you!!!!!! I am an on + off lurker. I am also pregnant (almost into the 2nd trimester - fingers crossed) after multiple miscarriages.
I am guessing March 5 and a little boy!
My guess is february 17 and a boy
yay! i've been excited for you for a while now. my mom told me weeks ago, so i have a good idea about the due date but I have no idea if it's a boy or a girl. will you tell us or are you just going to tease us?
I'm so so happy for you!!! Congratulations. I'm praying for you and hoping you have been able to enjoy the pregnancy...I know there are always worries, but God is with you!
I'm going to guess GIRL and due FEBRUARY 25TH....this is the day my best friend is due with her son.
Congratulations! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
March 10th.
I'm guessing a girl on 2/22 b/c that's my youngest daughter's birthday!
Congratulations!!! I am So thrilled for you. Praying for you and the little one :)
Rachel....I'm so thrilled for you and your beautiful family! I have no idea how I found you on twitter but what a blessing you have been to me there! And, now to find this treasure of a blog! I can't wait to get caught up. :)
Praying for you friend.
And, I'm a TN girl too.
Ok....I am guessing again since you said no one had it. I am guessing March 5th w/ another boy!
Not nearly as exciting, but I have an award for you on my blog~
I'm so happy for you! I say that it's a girl due on January 24th, 2010!!
That is AWESOME! God is AWESOME! Congratulations!! :)
WOO HOO!!! I will gladly do a happy dance for your family! That is wonderful news. This is my first time commenting but I have followed your story for a while.
My guess is going to be a girl and January 29th.
I will also keep you and your family in my prayers!
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!!
congrats! First I just read about Angie, now you...I am wondering if this is a sign. I want another baby really bad, but am not feeling like its in Gods timing right now.
All the best in the rest of this pregnancy. I guess a girl and that she will be born April 2... I have no idea :)
First time comment but I love your blog!
I am guessing a girl due 2-28-10
Congrats! I am guessing girl Feb.22, 2010!
What wonderful news!!
My guesses:
due date-Feb. 12
I just KNEW it! It has been on my heart for so long and with everything your family has been through, I felt like you were waiting for just the perfect moment to tell us! I could cry!!! I'm guessing GIRL and March 7, 2010!
Girl and March 22
i've never commented on here before, but i am so happy for you and wanted to say congratulations!!!!!! i'm guessing it's a boy due on february 18.
Congratulations!!! :) So excited for you!
Can I guess again? Um....I still think it is a girl, due Feb 27th. Oh, and mega congrats!
congrats! I don't know either of you personally, but I read your blog along with Angie's (usually one right after the other) and cried like a BABY when I saw you were both pregnant! Prayers all around!
I've been reading your blog for about a year now. I love hearing about your faith and family. Congratulations on the miracle growing inside of you.
Boy, Due 2/24/2010
Yay! Im so glad you told!
I just tried to do the math in my head...but i failed at knowing when your supposed to be due...
and I already know the gender...
so i'm saying the due date is February 19th! Because new baby Myers should share a birthday with me!
Love you!
You're all cute belly, so you're having a boy... and my guess is that you're due in late February. I'll say, February 26, 2010. :)
I'm guessing a boy, 25 Feb.
Wow! You are a good secret keeper. Congratulations!
Girl--Feb. 4th!!
congratulations! that is so exciting.
OMG! I cried when I saw the picture. My boyfriend thought I was nuts! :D CONGRATS! This is sooooo beautiful. I just finished reading your blog a couple days ago and this is the most wonderful happy ending I could have imagined!
Best wishes from germany,
you look amazing! I am going to say you are going to be due with a baby GIRL on February 16th (I have no basis for this besides that's when I'm due with my 2nd, a baby girl!) Congrats to all 3 of you!
WOW! congrats!!! I just read Angie's update on her blog with the same wonderfully incredible news!
I'm going to guess 2/14/10 with a girl?
so if you were 23 weeks today then the baby, whom i believe is a boy, would be due 17 weeks from now on my birthday 2/24
you look adorable. :)
(I'm not going to guess... that wouldn't be fair. :))
Wow Raechel! Congratulations!! So thankful to God for blessing you guys with another sweet baby. I think that Evie is celebrating in Heaven that she is becoming a big sister :)
Blessings to you as you prepare. And well done on keeping such a great secret.
I'm going to guess boy and due March 5th, 2010....just for fun.
Yeah Raechel that is super exciting! We're pregnant together I'm having a boy and due March 12th so I am gonna guess girl Feb 19th! And by the way you look so cute!
Congrats! So happy for you. We are finally at the stage where we are telling friends about the future arrival of baby #2 at the start of summer. I will guess Friday, February 12th at 3:09 PM.
FYI- I made a prediction for a coworker and was off by only 3 minutes. Block off the 12th on your calendar.
Best wishes!
Oops, sorry, March 12th...and a girl.
Oh girl, I am just beyond thrilled for you. I saw Kelly Stamps tweet about the same time as yours yesterday. I automatically thought your tweet was about Angie as well. I am so excited that I was very wrong. Wow, you are really good at keeping secrets!!! Congratulations to you and your men and God bless you more and more every day.
Rachel - So thrilled for you guys and Praise Jesus for a healthy pregnancy!! Blessings to you and your wee one. My guess is your due date is Feb. 16, 2010.
Congrats! So happy for you and will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. I'm taking the easy way out and will guess that it's a boy and the due date is March 16th, 2010. Thats my brother's birthdate :)
Oh Raechel, what awesome news! I am so excited for you! Hope the last half of your pregnancy goes as smoothly as the first half! I'll be praying for that!
I am going to guess a sweet baby boy... Due on 2/27/10 (that is my dad's birthday)
congratulations on the new little one! I am so happy for you!
WOW! Congrats!
I am going to guess~GIRL with a due date of MARCH 1, 2010
March 3, 2010 and guessing BOY!
Congratulations!!! Happy dancing big time for you and yours!!! Enjoy this wonderful and special time!!!! Hugs all around...and lots more happy dancing! :)
BOY, Jan 25, 2010! Congratulations!!!!!
And I live near the new Harris Teeter too! Small world!
Amy in Tennessee
you are a good secret keeper!! I believe I'm a few weeks behind you in my pregnancy. How wonderful you look! I'm going to guess it's a litle girl and your due date is Feb. 15! Can't wait to meet your little one!! Congrats!!!!
Ok, how about a GIRL on Feb. 25??
Congratulation! I have been reading your blog for a while, but this my first comment. I am so happy for your family! My daughter is just a couple of months older than Oliver and I love reading about him because it reminds me so much of her.
My guess is a boy due on 3/11/09.
I'm guessing March 1st and it's a boy.
My guess is February 9th and its a Girl. :)
I'm guessing boy on feb 23
I want to say girl and due 1-27-10! I got a little teary eyed when I saw this post! I am so excited for you and your family! God is so good!
I guess GIRL on 3/7/10
OK...I'm guessing yet again. I still say girl with a due date of Feb 1st.
Oh my goodness! :)
Praise God! I really could not be happier for you and your sweet family. I am astounded that you were able to keep your secret for so long. I guess I was a little suspicious when we talked one day at bible study and you guys said you were interviewing midwives. I just couldn't bear to ask and hear you say you were being really prepared, or something. How silly of me! I'm not even going to use my EDD calculating skills, I'm just going to guess and say your EDD is 02/28/10 and that you are having a girl. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Congratulations! I am so so so happy for you. I don't "know" you but I feel like I do and from what I know you are a fabulous mom and so deserving of this. My guesses are boy and Feb 28th, 2010. I can't wait to find our for sure!!
So happy for you and your family. My guess is a boy and due on March 7th.
I'm guessing a boy on Feb 26th. Many, many congratulations!
Congratulations. Enjoy visiting your blog. Thrilled to hear that you are expecting. . . a baby boy??? Feb 27th???
Congrats! What a blessing!!! I am going to guess that you are having a sweet baby girl and that she's due to arrive March 6th
How exciting for you! My guess is another boy on Feb. 20th.
Congratulations! I don't know why but I thought of you earlier today and wondered. Just one of those weird things I suppose! Congrats again!
I'll guess March 10, boy.
My guess is
january 29
Congrats! what a cute belly!!! God Bless!
Congratulations! So so happy for all 3 of you!
My guess is you are having a baby boy and his due date is March 3, 2010!
Prayers for a continued healthy, uneventful pregnancy.
February 24, boy
This only my guess because it's my due date!! :)
Oh my goodness! You totally caught me by surprise. I am ecstatic over this glorious news! Hooray!!!!
Many, many blessings to you,
Okay if I am off by three days I will say Jan 26 then and I still think it is a boy named Ben :).
Okay if I am off by three days I will say Jan 26 then and I still think it is a boy named Ben :).
Congratulations! I'm new to your blog but am already a fan :o) You have a beautiful and perfect preggo belly!
Congrats! Long time reader :) First time poster!
I say a little boy, March 12
Congrats Ryan & Raechel!! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see this new one fit into your amazing family!! I'm guessing a girl, and born Feb. 1 (my birthday!)
You look so adorable or should I say beautiful! Congrats to you all!
Congratulations!!! I just read your post from today, and couldn't believe I missed such big news!
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