28 January 2011

We've been so busy soaking up our time with Groovy (whose plane landed safely in Nashville, by the way!) right now that there just hasn't been time for much else.

Well, except getting to flit around in my sewing room without the responsibility of caring for small children! Who wants to play with Mommy when Groovy is here?! (Hazel does. She's a Mama's girl. But to Oliver, Groovy is the sun and the moon!)

While Oliver was at school this morning and Hazel was napping, I enjoyed getting my own special time with Groovy while she helped me re-fold and sort by color all my messy stacks of fabric. I think we could have spent all morning in there with all the pretty colors. We're kindred spirits like that. (Note to self: share photos - it's so pretty now!!)

Since I don't have much to offer today in the photo department, I offer you a bit of video footage from lunch yesterday: Hazel learning to clap!

Have you every seen a smarter or cuter baby girl? :) (All you Mamas of little girls out there are saying, "YES!! My baby girl!" That's okay, it's our job to dote on our littles!)

Have a lovely weekend, Friends! I'll work on getting some photos of my progress in the sewing room and you can also look forward to some really great giveaways next week!


Nicole said...

when we are at my mom's my older three always ask if i can go so they can be with grammie by themselves! ... Hazel is adorable!... can't wait to see all your gorgeous fabrics!

The Morrisons said...

YAY!!!! So cute.

Kristie said...

Oh, my 9month old thinks this is fabulous! So cute! And God bless the gran that gives you time to sew! Priceless! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!

Sdlgillikin said...

I'm glad you are enjoying your time with your MIL. I know what you've been doing with all your extra free time, I just noticed you already have those bloomers in your shop, man you're fast!