22 August 2011

Today is the first first day of school in the Myers home this fall. We just sent off our college girl on her bicycle for her first day of higher education. So excited for her!


And, as I snapped this perfectly imperfect shot of two people I love,


I couldn't help but remember (and then go digging for) this photo I took almost exactly three years ago when Oliver was just 23 months old. (It's worth revisiting - so funny to see him so little!)


Blessings on you, Audrey! Have a lovely first day - we can't wait to hear all about it!


Audrey said...

ahhhhhhh I forgot about that picture of me and Oliver. Oh my goodness he was so little.

Thank you so much :)

Tracy said...

So cute! (also, I've been trying to read that post for ages. lol. Glad the blog is back up and running.)