21 June 2011

Wanna know something wonderful?

How about two things wonderful?

Okay, here goes:

1. Lisa Leonard has a new line of summer lovelies just out this past week. (You can see the new stuff here.)

2. I have the fun privilege of giving away two $50 Lisa Leonard gift certificates today.

This of course means that since you're here, you get to enter the giveaway! I told you it was wonderful!

But first, can I show you some of my new faves?


3 Ways To Enter:
1. leave a comment telling me what was the last movie you watched.
2. get another entry by tweeting about the giveaway (please leave a separate comment for this and include a link to the giveaway in your tweet)
3. Finding My Feet readers (followers) get a third entry.

Giveaway ends Wednesday evening (only two days to enter!). I will choose two winners at random and announce them soon after.

Bonne chance, friends! I wish I could enter!

This giveaway brought to you by Lisa Leonard Designs.
Thanks, Lisa!


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kennedy said...

last movie i watched... "the switch" with jennifer aniston and jason bateman. surprisingly, wasn't TOO bad! there was very little to choose from in the redbox :) i love that sun droplet necklace!

becca said...

Just watched Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows w/ my hubby....not my favorite Harry movie, but pretty good!

I LOVE Lisa Leonard, I got one of her necklaces for Christmas!

Mikki said...

The last movie I watched was the back-up plan. I'm pregnant and I found myself jealous of her pregnancy pillow.

becca said...

i just tweeted about it, too!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I watched the first movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy with my husband on Sunday. It was his one Father's Day request - he loves the series but knows that it's pretty painful for me to watch! :)

Amanda MacB said...

We watched 127 Hours this weekend - The Hubs picked, but it was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted the giveaway :) http://twitter.com/#!/christyknutson

Olivia Pennington said...

Zac & I watched True Grit... i'm dying for another Lisa Leonard piece!

BandP said...

If I am being honest ;) the last movie I watched was Cars with my almost 3 year old!

keight dukes said...

last movie: bridesmaids. wonderful.

keight dukes said...

i tweeted the mess out of this.

keight dukes said...

doy i follow

BandP said...

I just tweeted about it!

Laura Darling said...

The last movie I watched was We Are Marshall. A tearjerker for sure!!

Laura Darling said...

And I'm a follower!

Amanda said...

I just watched Why did I get married too? It wasn't a bad movie but don't know if I would watch it again...


Mere said...

I watched Inception the other night with my family!

BandP said...

I've always had you in my blog roll but now I officially follow you!

rachel e. said...

We watched "BEAN" this weekend. We are huge Mr. Bean fans. It did not disappoint!

Mere said...

And I am a follower! have been for a while...your family is just adorable and I'm so encouraged by your posts...they are definitely going to help me in the future when I'm married, decorating a house, and raising kids! :)

rachel e. said...

I'm a follower!

The Landis Family said...

The last movie I watched was The Tourist.

The Landis Family said...

I'm a follower!

GoMe1987 said...

I haven't watched a lot of movies lately, because that is something my husband and I always do together. He is deployed to Afghanistan right now, so it is to hard for me to watch movies alone. But, a couple of weeks ago I put in a Gilmore Girls season 4 DVD and watched it all night!

*Michelle* said...

I want to win so bad I can taste it... Anywho I watched Gnomeo and Juliet, Of course it was picked by a 3 year old, but I think it's cute either way.

Jenny said...

We watched Star Wars episode 1 with the boys the other night, but the last one Hubs and I watched was the most recent Harry Potter. We are high class :)

Jenny said...

I tweeted! But my twitter is private :-/

Jenny said...

I subscribe in reader - does that count as following?

Julie said...

Charlotte's Web...My boys first time at the movie theater. So fun!

Julie said...

I follow on Google Reader and forgot to put my email address on my comment above.


Bliss said...

Black Swan was the last movie I saw. I went with my Mom for a Girls Night Out. The movie was STUNNING and I can't wait to see it again!

Anonymous said...

We tried watching the newest Harry Potter movie last night, but I fell asleep before it was over. Does that count? :-)


Amy said...

The Last Movie I Watched Was Mulan With My Two Girls. I Know. Exciting Stuff. I Still Love All The Disney Movies. Thankfully!

jerry and megan. said...

The last movie I watched was Memoirs of a Geisha-classic! Sooo...hoping I get a chance at one of those beautiful necklaces!!

jerry and megan. said...

I am also a follower!

Anonymous said...

I follow FMF


Amy said...

And Now I Am A True Follower Of Your Fabulous Blog! :)

Kate Gef said...

Oh, my ... I don't think I can remember the last time I watched a movie ... especially in a theater. With a 14-month-old, and another on the way, movie time is superseded by napping time!

Amy said...

The last movie I saw was BRIDESMAIDS. It was soooo raunchy...but hilarious. :-/

Kate Gef said...

Wait! We had a date night to see Pirates 4! And it was awesome (both the movie and the opportunity for a date night).
PS - I'm a follower. :)

jerry and megan. said...

Just tweeted about it!

Amy said...

I just tweeted about the contest!

Susan said...

Despicable Me!

Erica @ All About Aleigha said...

Last movie I watched was Life as we Know it. It was super cute!

heididh33 said...

Fun!!! I've been wanting the 'Play Everyday' necklace but the hubs says no on the spending part. :S
Let's see... I don't watch a lot of movies but when my nephew was here last week we watched Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.

Erica @ All About Aleigha said...

I tweeted

Erica @ All About Aleigha said...

I'm a follower!

heididh33 said...

I follow!! :)

Heather said...

Gnomeo & Juliet. Cute, funny movie!

Lisa T said...

Haha, I have two little kids so I last watched Toy Story 3 :)

Lisa T said...

I tweeted :)


Kristen516 said...

The last movie I watched??? from beginning to end? Without falling asleep? Maybe, The Proposal? Funny Funny movie!

I hope I win.

Denise said...

The last movie I watched was part 1 of the last Harry Potter movie. I love Lisa Leonard's creations!

Anonymous said...

The last movie I watched with our 3 kids was Judy Moody Not Bummer Summer. Don't believe the reviews it was a fantastic family flick! A must see. I have given several LL jewellery for gifts - gorgeous stuff, amazing customer service and check out Lisa's blog SHE ROCKS. If I win I am getting something for MYSELF!!!
Canadian Cathy

monkey_girl03 said...

Had a movie marathon on Sunday...Megamind, It's Kind of a Funny Story, Dinner for Schmucks, and most of Meet the Fockers.

Megamind was easily the best of the bunch, :)

Nicole said...

I went to see Super 8. I thought I would hate it (I don't like scary movies) but I didn't. I really enjoyed the story and laughed at certain parts.

Lisa said...

I am a follower :)

monkey_girl03 said...

I'm a follower too!

Jenny said...

The last movie that we watched was the Veggie Tales Jonah DVD. :)

Damaris said...

The last movie I watched was Robin Hood. :)

Maria said...

I watch CARS with my kids getting ready for the big Cars 2 to come out!!!!

Me and My Boys said...

The last movie I watched was True Grit on Saturday night. It was quite good actually!

Jennie - Duryea Place Designs said...

We just watched The Adjustment Bureau... I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did!

Meredith said...

I LOVE all of Lisa's designs!

The last movie I watched was Finding Nemo...well, I guess I technically listened to it...my little guy watched it while we drove home from NC to FL yesterday!

Carey Dunlop said...

Last movie I watched was Baby Einstein. Last real movie I watch the The Last Song. :)

Meredith said...

Tweeted :)


Kate said...

The last movie I watched was The Hangover 2.

nault's nook said...

The last movie I watched? Monsters vs Aliens :) Yep I am a mom!!!

nault's nook said...

I tweeted!

nault's nook said...

Of course I am a follower! ienault@yahoo.com

The Guerra's said...

We took the kids to see Kung Fu PAnda and we all loved it!

The Guerra's said...

I am a follower of Finding my Feet!

The Guerra's said...

I tweeted!!

Susanne said...

The last movie I watched was Tron...surprisingly good!

Susanne said...

I also follow!

~cmd~ said...

The last movie I watched was Justin Bieber's "Never say Never". And it was my pick, not my teen daughters. :)

~Christi in California~

Susanne said...

and I tweeted! :)


Laura said...

Last movie I watched was Failure to Launch

Carolyn Reese said...

We just saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and really liked it!

Carolyn Reese said...

I also follow your blog!

Laura said...

I also tweeted - standinawephoto

Laura said...

annnddd... I follow your blog :)

KirkKrew said...

The last movie I watched was True Grit---my husbands choice, not mine, but it was OK. LOVE Lisa Leonard!!

Picasso3100 said...

The last movie I watched was 127 hours and it was harrrd to watch but very inspiring!

Dana said...

I'm a follower!

Dana said...

My last movie was despicable me!

Olive Pockets said...

We just watched 127 hours. What a story to live to tell!

Anonymous said...

Just watched Madam Blueberry :)~Tressa Elvehjem

Jessica said...

Last movie I watched was Strawberry Shortcake with my 3 year old!

Anonymous said...

True Grit. Pretty good for a guy kind of movie
Carol Schneider

Anonymous said...

I tweeted at well :-)
Carol Schneider

Brady W. said...

The last movie I watched was The Other Guys with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. Loved it!! It's got a lot of witty humor in it :) I'm also a follower of your blog now! I've been blog lurking for a few months. Love it!

Anonymous said...

last movie i watched was: runaway jury.. watched it last nite with the fam. :-)

Stephanie said...

The last movie I saw was Forrest Gump. We were in NYC with the kids and went to Bubba Gump Shrimp, and we realized the kids had never seen it.

Anonymous said...

tweeted this!

Katie said...

The Black Stallion. SO GOOD.

Katie said...

blog follower!

Anonymous said...

i'm a follower of the blog. :-)

Linsey Jackson said...

The Last movie I watched was the 3rd Baby Mama!! I love Tina Fey and Amy Polar.

Linsey Jackson said...

I am happily a Finding My Feet Follower!! I love reading your blog. You inspire me to be more crafty than I thought I could be!

Celeste said...

The last movie I watched was School of Rock, watching it for what must be the hundredth time. I saw it was on tv & just had to watch it again. Why do I love it so much?!

Krista said...

The last movie I watched was Bridesmaids. Very raunchy, but I still laughed!

ShelbyDee said...

Stranger than Fiction

Krista said...

I tweeted about this, too, right here: https://twitter.com/#!/kristaonpurpose/status/83201930536550400

Celeste said...

I'm a blog follower too :)

Krista said...

And I do follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

I now follow you, but I read faithfully anyway! We watched Machete on the weekend, very campy movie.

Anonymous said...

Just tweeted!

Anonymous said...

The last movie I watched was Super 8 in the theatre. Really good movie!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted :)

Brittany said...

Last movie I watched was Hope Floats!! Loooovvee!!

Brittany said...

I'm a Finding My Feet stalker! I'll admit it because I have no shame!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

My mom and I watched Meet Me In St. Louis recently. I have been reading your blog for a while, but just now started officially following it!!! I'll tweet, but my twitter is private. I love all of the stuff in the giveaway.

Alyson @Vintage Sunshine said...

We're watching The Incredibles right now. Relaxing morning before swimming with the kids!

Alyson @Vintage Sunshine said...

Following your blog!

Anonymous said...

We watched The Dilemma. I almost don't want to type that because I'm afraid someone will see it and think, "oh, I should watch that." No. You should not. I wish I could have those 2 hours of my life back, along with the dollar we gave to Redbox for it. But i do love Lisa Leonard!!

Anonymous said...

Also I RT'd it. But the iPad is going wonky right now and refuses to paste the link.

Alyson @Vintage Sunshine said...

Tweeted about this! http://twitter.com/#!/EisleyRae

Anonymous said...

I just tweeted!

traci_in_la said...

The last movie I watched was Country Strong, so amazingly good, what great music & acting! Tim! Gwenyth! Leighton! And yummy Garrett Hedlund!! Love the sunburst necklace!

Anonymous said...

My son, daughter, and I just watched Veggie Tales The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's. That is ... they watched the movie and I napped on the couch!!

Karen said...

Yogi Bear. It wasn't my choice and I have to say that I did take a little nap in the middle of it. My kids were happy so I guess thats all that mattered.

Kaira said...

Last night we watched Mars Needs Moms. :)

kristofer and ivy said...

Last movie I watched was VOLVER via Netflix. Loved it!


Rsymphony said...

Oh! I love all things Lisa Leonard! Okay, I’m a little bit embarrassed but I have to be honest and say that the last movie I watched was White Christmas this morning with our four munchkins while we sipped Peppermint Mochas ;) I also turned the air down to 66…we’re dreaming of cooler days already :)

Cassandra said...

Watched Hope Floats the other day on TV. Not much time for movies with an active 13 month old!

Cassandra said...

I am a follower as well!!! Love Lisa's stuff!!

SarahBfromMN said...

Bridesmaids - vulgar but hilarious.

Liz/ said...

Last movie I watched was The Hangover II and it was hilarious!!! Also, a follower of the blog!

The Munchkins Mama said...

Toy Story 3 - my son watches one of them at least once a week! Or at least has me put them on - he doesn't sit still long enough to watch anything.

Jessie said...

what an awesome giveaway!! i love lisa leonard!

last movie i watched: probably "tangled" with the kiddo's. such a classic! :)

The Munchkins Mama said...

I follow.

Jessie said...

oh, and i am now an official follower!! i love your blog :)

Sarah Robbins said...

My husband and I just went to see Thor. It was actually our first time leaving our little girl, so I don't really remember much of the movie!

Sarah Robbins said...

I am a follower!

The Munchkins Mama said...


I tweeted

Leigh said...

Last move....Curious George 2 with the kiddo.

Leigh said...

And I am a follower!

Kristin said...

Toy Story 3...for the umteenth time!! :)

Kristin said...

I follow your blog!! :)

Christine said...

I hope Thomas movies count, because my kids and I just rocked Thomas and the Misty Island Rescue. Or whatever it's called. I may not have been 100% following.

I've been wanting Lisa Leonard stuff for awhile! Here's hoping.

The Harris Family said...

Last movie I watched was Knight & Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz...not my favorite, yet a night in with my hubby eating popcorn while the kids were in bed...priceless!!

Hope to win!! What a great giveaway!!

Beth said...

I would love this!

The Harris Family said...

I am a Finding My Feet follower too!

Krista said...

Last movie I saw was The Big Lebowski. I'd never seen it before, and my husband thought that was crazy.

Christine said...

And I'm a follower. From the beginning, yo.

hustsup. A lot like "whassup," because that's cool.

Beth said...

Sorry, the last movie I watched was the tourist. Don't bother!

Krista said...

I am a following.

Unknown said...

I can't remember the last movie I saw--sad huh?
But we are taking our 3yo. to see Cars 2 this weekend! Yay...does that count!

mrsarainey said...

The last movie I watched was Toy Story 3 with my son. :)

Julie P said...

The last movie I watched was The King's Speech & I desperately want a Lisa Leonard necklace!!

rachieannie said...

We went to Green Lantern this weekend in the theater to celebrate my husband's first Father's Day!

Abbie said...

The last movie I watched was "Happily N'Ever After" and I will happily never watch the movie again! :)

Abbie said...

I am a follower! :)

Mateya said...

Love this! The last movie I watched was "No Strings Attached"

mrs.lmnop said...

The last movie I watched was definitely "Wallace and Gromit and Curse of the Were-Rabbit." Pretty fabulous (and I could see the thumb prints on the characters!)

mrs.lmnop said...

I most definitely follow your blog.

Cheri said...

the last movie i watched {i'm sorry to say..} was kung fu panda 2. lol the things we do for our children...

Rachel said...

We watched the original True Grit. Definitely enjoyed the new one more!

Cheri said...

i follow in google reader

Anonymous said...

The last movie I watched was How Do You Know? I was just ok. I love Reese Witherspoon, but it wasn't one of her best movies.

Mrs. H said...

OMGoodness....I want this!!!!

My last movie was "Ramona and Beezus"...loved it!

Mrs. H said...

ANd I am a follower...normally I follow privately...but in this case, I came out ;)

Rachael Reynolds said...

My husband and i watched The Perfect Storm on AMC last night!

Tabitha said...

Last movie I watched was "Mr. Popper's Penguins." Very kid friendly, but also great for adults. I highly suggest it. Also I am a follower of Finding My Feet of course! I love reading about all your fun stuff! :)

The Del Angel Family said...

Last movie I watched was "Life as we Know it". Cute movie and had some great shots of Atlanta!

Anonymous said...

Oh just watched Eat, Pray, Love. What a wonderful movie with a wonderful message. Def a chick flick!!!

~Brandy Grisham~

The Brunner Circus said...

I have three little girls... so the last movie I watched was Tangled :)

The Brunner Circus said...

I'm a follower :)

Rebecca said...

The last movie in theater I watched was Avatar, and the last home movie was Field of Vision.

karin said...

My hubby and I relived childhood and watched teen wolf! Im also a follower!

Jennipher said...

My husband and I watched Just Go With It the other day. Very predictable but we laughed the whole way through. We loved it. :)

Unknown said...

The last movie I watched was "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"!

Jennipher said...

I'm a follower of your blog. I never comment but I read every single post. Love your blog!

Unknown said...

I follow you through Google Reader!

Jessy Schoch said...

I follow you :)

Unknown said...

I tweeted! @ratrbase

Jessy Schoch said...

Kung Foo Panda 2 was the last movie I watched!! :)

Sarah-Anne said...

i watched half of Killers on Sun, but the last FULL movie I watched was Pirates 4. LOVE <3

Sockrma18 said...

Last movie I watched was Bridesmaids....totally inappropriate but absolutley snorting kind of funny!

I LOVE LISA LEONARD and would keel over with happiness to have one of her pieces!

Sockrma18 said...

P.S. I'm a follower too! I'd tweet about this but apparently I'm not just a "Tweet" but a TWIT to boot! :0)

steigler7071 said...

I can't even remember the last movie I watched. :( My 19 year old son has been in and out of the hospital and was just diagnosed with stage 3 cancer of the bowel. Prayers please!

steigler7071 said...

I'm a follower!

stephanie joy said...

hmmm... last movie i actually watched?
it was a kid's movie, i think.
oh wait... it was 'how to train a dragon!'
we pvr'd it.
super cute and fun!
definitely recommend it.
maybe i should watch it again to find tips on how to train MY dragon?
aka... my 21 month old crazy daughter?!?

kristen said...

i've never commented on your blog before....but i love reading it! your kids are adorable, your house is gorgeous, and your blog posts are so fun!

anyways...the last movie i watched was one of the harry potter movies :) love lisa leonard's jewelry!

Emilie Krocker said...

i lovvvvvvvvve lisa leanard! i have bought a gift off of her site, but it would be amazing to get myself a little something in honor of my little girl who is due to arrive in just over a month.
the last movie i watched was toy story 3 with my mom and 2 year old today because my mom hadn't seen it yet.
oh and i follow you in my google reader :)

KathleenSBass said...

This morning, my two year old princess-and-fairy-obsessed daughter and I watched "TinkerBell and the Great Fairy Rescue" cuddled on the couch :) This movie has REALLY helped Whitney's imagination thrive (she searches for "da human house!" when we work in the yard/pull weeds/etc) and I looove the time spent with my girl in my lap. :)

LeAnna said...

Gorgeous! We watched Hachi with Richard Gere, it was SO good.

LeAnna said...

I follow your blog!

Marcella said...

Last movies I watched???
Taken was on FX over the weekend and we watched it. Great action movie! Before that i listened to "tangled" while my kids watched it in the car.

Nicole said...

Last movie I watched was The Killers, with Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher.

I am a follower of your blog!

Cluster necklace is so pretty!

Kim Stephens said...

secret window...not the best johnny depp movie but it had been awhile since i saw it so i figured why not :)

Kim Stephens said...

i tweeted the giveaway! (@mrs_stephens)

Kim Stephens said...

i follow your blog on my google reader too!

The Mouchettes said...

Just went to see Super 8 a couple of nights ago and I really liked it1

The Mouchettes said...

And I'm a follower!

Melissa Hensler said...

Last movie I watched was Red Riding Hood. I love that cluster necklace!

D and K said...

I am a follower!

Holly Rhodes said...

My husband and I watched True Grit the other night.

Sarah said...

The last movie I watched was "Taken" Man, that is one stressful movie!!!! I made my hubby tell me the ending because I couldn't handle the stress of it all. I'm a wimp. :)

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